
I represent both sellers and buyers. I specialize in first-time buyers and step-up buyers looking to move from their first home into a more spacious home. From sourcing to inspections to escrow, I’m with you all the way.

Oh, and you’re NOT going to be doing all the work yourself on Redfin… I’ll be sending you a weekly customized list of properties to match your interests, including some hidden or off-market gems.


What’s it like to buy a home with me?

Transparent and smooth! I help with every step. I represent both sellers and buyers. I specialize in first-time buyers and step-up buyers looking to move from their first home into a more spacious home. From sourcing to inspections to escrow, I’m with you all the way.

Average Search Duration

2-5 Months

This depends on each client’s unique needs and search parameters. It also is affected by the market inventory. It can be a quick or as slow as you need.

Average Transaction Duration

1 Month    

Once the right home is found, and an offer has been accepted, it usually takes 1 month to complete the transaction and get the keys.

Be prepared for…

Down Payment

On average, down payments can range from 5-20% of the sale price depending on the type of mortgage. I have great lenders who can walk you through options. Bank account not ready yet? No worries, check out leasing options.


What’s it like to sell a home with me?

I represent both sellers and buyers. This means that if you are selling to stay in the area or selling your home to purchase another home, I’m your guy! We can work together to secure an amazing home while selling your home. I make the complicated process seamless!

Average Time on Market

1-3 Months

This depends on your timing. If you’re purchasing a new house, we can time the sale with the purchase. If you need time before you move out, we can accommodate. Once we’re listed, typically we get a home into escrow in under a month.

Average Transaction Duration

1 Month   

Once we accept a great buyer for your home, we can negotiate an escrow that works with your timeline of between 14 days and 2 months. Timing is my specialty!

Be prepared for…

Realtor Fees

Agent fees, which are paid by the buyer are 5%. That is split between the buyers agent and the listing agent. Not to worry, we will get you the maximum price for your home that the market will allow. My services will be very worth it!


What’s it like to lease a home with me?

If you’re not quite ready to purchase, let me help you lease a spot! I can set up a search for your criteria. Once you see some places you like, we go house hunting, check out some spots and get you into a great lease, while you’re saving for the home of your dreams!

Average Search Duration

15-30 Days

This depends on each client’s unique needs and search parameters. It also is affected by the market inventory and how many cute places are available!

Average Lease Agreement

12 Months

Typical leases last for 12 months, moving to a month to month lease after that. I have done leases for 30 days, 6 months and 12 months. With “mid term rentals” these days, leases are much more flexible.

Be prepared for…

Security Deposit

Security deposits are almost always first month’s rent and equal amount for a security deposit. Pet and other deposits may occur. Also, credit/background checks!

FAQs about Real Estate Agents

How can I know if I have a good agent?

I believe it’s a vibe thing! You want to work with an agent that you TRUST, that you know will have your back. A good agent with represent you and help you get into something that works for you, not try to sell you something quick! You’ll feel if they’re a good fit or not.

Do buyers have to pay their agent?

No they do not! The sellers of the house are responsible for paying a commission to their agent who is listing their house, which that agent pays out to the buyer’s agent. You’re already having to pay enough with the down payment!

What’s the difference between a real estate agent and a Realtor?

A realtor is a real estate agent who is a member of the National Association of Realtors (NAR). Realtors must adhere to a strict code of ethics. While all Realtors are real estate agents, not all real estate agents are Realtors. I am BOTH.

Is now a terrible time to sell/buy?

I come at real estate from an investment perspective. When we bought our duplex in 2017, everyone said it was a terrible time to buy. We did it anyway and it was the best decision I ever made. Depending on your income, we will determine together whether it is a good time to buy or sell for you. I find that if done correctly, you can always make good real estate decisions regardless of the timing.

What does a real estate agent DO?

A real estate agent will help you buy, sell or rent properties. A GOOD real estate agent will help you find homes in your desired area, will negotiate the sale or purchase in a way that serves their clients best, handle paperwork, be a therapist, buy you a drink when an offer doesn’t get accepted and generally provide guidance throughout the transaction.

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